Review: Moon Called - Patricia Briggs
Mixed opinions about this book. It had a reasonably good plot with a few twists and turn and is clearly well researched but I wasn't so keen on some of the characters. In fact the main character, Mercy, annoyed me a lot of the time - she just seemed a little bit too "I'm the main character, I have to do everything on my own". Even some of the werewolves seemed a bit blah. Some of the relationships between the characters were a bit unbelievable as well, in my opinion.
Stefan the vampire was pretty cool though, even though in this book he was kind of just a secondary character - I believe he's more important in the next book of the series though.
I have heard good things about this series so I will give the second book a shot - especially as I've read a few series of books in which I haven't really got in to it until about the third book.
An okay read if you like supernatural stuff.
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