The Book Blogger Hop is hosted by Billy at Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer. It's a chance for book bloggers to connect and share the book love. Click the button for more details and to find the links to some awesome blogs.
This week's question is:
So would you read a book just because of the hype?
I'm actually more likely to not read a book because of the hype lol. For me, most hyped books don't live up to it. There's a few exceptions of course - Harry Potter, The Hunger Games for example, but I'm always very cautious of a book that get too much hype. It might turn out to be a Twilight.

Gain new followers and make new friends with the Book Blogger Feature & Follow! The Feature & Follow is hosted by two hosts, Parajunkee of Parajunkee's View and Alison of Alison Can Read so be sure to drop by both as they have different feature blogs.
This week's question is:
What is your preferred reading format? Hardcover, eBooks, paperback etc?
If I'm buying a book I now mostly go for ebooks. It's just so much easier. I can carry numerous books with me, I don't loose my page, I get them within seconds of clicking the button to buy. I do still read 'real' books though as often review copies come that way but now they just seem heavy to hold - hardbacks about kill me lol. All that said though, I do still like having a physical book shelf because it looks more awesome.