It's Monday! What are you reading? is a weekly event to celebrate what we are reading for the week hosted at Book Journey, Post the books completed last week, the books you're currently reading, and the books to be read this week. Please comment or leave a link to let me know what you're reading this week!
Don't forget to join in with Read My Review which is currently running a British theme.
Completed last week
Two awesome books that I really need get reviews written for. I love both of these series'.

Midnight Alley
- Rachel Caine
Timeriders: Day of the Predator
- Alex Scarrow
Currently Reading
I'm on'y a short way into both of these, but enjoying them so far.

The Throne of Fire
- Rick Riordan
- Katie Kacvinsky
Up soon

Sweet Valley Confidential - Francine Pascal
- Lara Chapman
I have a ton of reviews I need to write but only managed to get one done last week as I suck.

Montacute House - Lucy Jago
Books Received
I got a bunch of awesome books, check them out in my In My Mailbox post.
Two awesome books that I really need get reviews written for. I love both of these series'.
Midnight Alley
Timeriders: Day of the Predator
Currently Reading
I'm on'y a short way into both of these, but enjoying them so far.
The Throne of Fire
Up soon
Sweet Valley Confidential - Francine Pascal
I have a ton of reviews I need to write but only managed to get one done last week as I suck.
Montacute House - Lucy Jago
Books Received
I got a bunch of awesome books, check them out in my In My Mailbox post.