The Book Blogger Hop is hosted by Jennifer @ Crazy for Books. It's a chance for book bloggers to connect and share the book love. Check out Crazy for Books (click on the button) for more details and to find the links of some awesome blogs.

This week's question is:
Do you use a rating system for your reviews and if so, what is it and why?
I don't use a rating system for my reviews mostly because I can never determine what rating to give a book lol. When I give stars to books on Goodreads etc, they dont' quite seem to work for me. Like, I can have two 5 star books, but one can be much better than the other. I end up debating in my head "Well it's not as good as that one with 5 stars but it's better than the one I gave 4 stars". I just feel like I'd end up giving books 4.7 stars and that kind of thing if I used ratings. I just prefer to explain what I feel about a book in words. I get why people use ratings though, it's handy for a quick idea of the overall opinion of the book - I just can't make my brain function well enough to actually do it, hehe.

Follow Friday is hosted by Parajunkee. Just click on the banner below to see the rules and to join in.
It's also Mega Swagbucks day! If you don't use Swagbucks you should give it a try. Just use it to search as you would your usual search engine and you periodically earn swagbucks which can be redeemed for prizes. Currently I average about 2 £5 Amazon gift cards a month just by using swagbucks for some of my internet searching (I don't even use it all the time). Click below to join.