The Book Blogger Hop, which is hosted by Jennifer @ Crazy for Books. It's a chance for book bloggers to connect and share the book love. Check out Crazy for Books (click on the button) for more details and to find the links of some awesome blogs.

This week's question is: Let's take time this week to honor our favorite book bloggers and why we love them!
Wow! There's so many blogs that I love so I'm just going to pick a couple off the top of my head. I think the ones that tend to be my favourites are simply because the books they review are the ones that appeal to me. There's also a load more fabby blogs in my side bar that I recommend.
Bewitched Bookworms - Really cute blog with multiple bloggers so there's always a variety of opinions.
Obsessed - Bella's reviews are always fun and honest. I love her review style!
Mindful Musings - Cute blog with some great reviews.
A Fairy's Playground - Honestly, I'd love this blog just for the name but BC writes fab reviews as well
Good Golly Miss Holly - Again, awesome name and Holly also co-ordinates international ARC tours.
Geeky Blogger's Book Blog - Another cute blog with fab posts

Follow Friday is hosted by Parajunkee. Just click on the banner below to see the rules and to join in.
This week's question is: YA or adult?
My answer to this is both. I probably actually read more YA though if I think about it. I also books that are more Middle Grade than YA. So, yeah, I pretty much read anything I can get my hands on lol
It's also Mega Swagbucks day! If you don't use Swagbucks you should give it a try. Just use it to search as you would your usual search engine and you periodically earn swagbucks which can be redeemed for prizes. Currently I average about 2 £5 Amazon gift cards a month just by using swagbucks for some of my internet searching (I don't even use it all the time). Click below to join.

And lastly (wow epic Friday post this week), I've started a new feature, Read My Review, to enable bloggers to link their book reviews based on a different theme each week. You can check out the full details by clicking on the button below or just scrolling down a couple of posts.