This week's question is:
Do you judge a book by it's cover?
I wouldn't say I actually 'judge' a book by it's cover per se, as in I wouldn't give a review or rating based on a cover, and a bad cover wouldn't make me dislike a book. However, when I'm in a book store or library I'm much more likely to choose a book based on it's cover. A book with a bad or even dull cover isn't likely to inspire me to pick it up and read the blurb unless it's an author or series I already know. It also works in that I've brought books with pretty covers only to be disappointed by the story *cough*Twilight*cough*Follow Friday is hosted by Parajunkee. Just click on the banner below to see the rules and to join in.
So, to me book covers are important for that first initial impression to attract my attention (I'm shallow and superficial that way) but after that they're not so much of a big thing.

It's also Mega Swagbucks day! If you don't use Swagbucks you should give it a try. Just use it to search as you would your usual search engine and you periodically earn swagbucks which can be redeemed for prizes. Currently I average about 2 £5 Amazon gift cards a month just by using swagbucks for some of my internet searching (I don't even use it all the time). Click below to join.