Booking Through Thursday is a weekly meme about (mostly) books and reading. This weeks question is:
Since my dog is turning 10 today … what animal-related books have you read? Which do you love? Do you have a favorite literary dog? (Snoopy, anyone?)
The first animal related books that spring to mind are:
Charlotte's Webwhich I loved as a kid and read again about a year or so ago.
Animal Farmwhich I read for school many years back and have since read again (and enjoyed much more when I wasn't being told I had to read it lol).
The Owl Who was Afraid of the Darkwas my absolute favourite book when I was younger.
As for my favourite literary dog ... does Sirius/Padfoot from Harry Pottercount? I'm sure it does but if not I'll throw Timmy from the Famous Five
in there as he was quite clearly the most intelligent of the gang lol.