What to do:
- Find one of your reviews that fits this weeks theme (it can be a new or old review, good or bad).
- Leave your link with Mr. Linky at the bottom of this post. "Blog Name (Book Title)"
- Visit some of the other reviews and leave a 'quality' comment (a couple of sentences).
- Grab the button and let people know about Read My Review.
- If you have any suggestions/ideas/requests for a future theme, leave a comment.
This week, the theme is:
- If you have any suggestions/ideas/requests for a future theme, leave a comment.
This week, the theme is:
It doesn't have to be an actual Romance book as long as there's romance as a fairly main part of the story. The theme stays for a week so you can leave your link any time and don't forget to pop back and check out some more fab reviews.