This week's question is:
If you are a fan of Science Fiction what is your favorite book? If you haven't read Science Fiction before...any inkling to? Anything catch your eye?
Oooh great question! I love pretty much anything Science Fiction. I love the Serenity graphic novels but my all time favourite is the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series (as you might have guessed from my AKA and blog name). I read a lot of dystopian fiction as well and mostly that also falls under Sci-fi. I'm really looking forward to reading the Ender's Game series by Orson Scott Card and Across the Universe by Beth Revis.
Read My Review is a chance for book bloggers to share new and old reviews, related to a theme. It is hosted here at A Trillian Books. Make sure you leave your Love/Romance themed review links to this weeks post and also visit some of the awesome reviews already there.
It's also Mega Swagbucks day! If you don't use Swagbucks you should give it a try. Just use it to search as you would your usual search engine and you periodically earn swagbucks which can be redeemed for prizes. Currently I average about 2 £5 Amazon gift cards a month just by using swagbucks for some of my internet searching (I don't even use it all the time). Click below to join.