What to do:
- Find one of your reviews that fits this weeks theme (you can be as creative as you like when choosing what fits). It can be a new or old review, good or bad.
- Create a post on you blog explaining your book choice and leaving a link to your review there.
- Leave the link to your post with Mr. Linky at the bottom of this post.
- Leave your link with Mr. Linky at the bottom of this post. "Blog Name (Book Title)"
- Leave the link to your post with Mr. Linky at the bottom of this post.
- Leave your link with Mr. Linky at the bottom of this post. "Blog Name (Book Title)"
- Visit some of the other reviews and leave a 'quality' comment (a couple of sentences).
- Grab the button and let people know about Read My Review.
With Valentine's Day coming soon, this week’s theme is:
With Valentine's Day coming soon, this week’s theme is:
Any book with a some kind of love element - it doesn't have to be an outright Romance genre book. The theme stays for a week so you can leave your link any time and don't forget to pop back and check out some more fab reviews. You can also clink the link at the top to see the previous Read My Reviews. Also, if you have any ideas for future themes you'd like to see leave them in a comment.
My pick for this week is Matched
by Allie Condie as the love/romance part of the story is a large part of why Cassia starts to doubt Society's rules. There's also a bit of a love triangle going on. (Clink on this link for more info on the book and the link below for my review)