This week's question is:
Pick a character from a book you are currently reading or have just finished and tell us about him/her.
I'm currently reading Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare. Will Herondale is my favourite character in the book. He's the kind of character I'm always drawn to: the boy who doesn't really play by the rules, the one who's a bit arrogant and sarcastic but witty at the same time. He's a bit of a thrill seeker and doesn't care about danger. There's also something deeper behind Will's personality that I haven't got to yet and I'm really interested to find out about his past. For any one who's read the Mortal Instruments series but not this one (Infernal Devices), Will is an ancestor of Jace's and the similarities are definitely there.
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This week's question is:
Do you have anyone that you can discuss books with IRL? Tell us about him/her.
It depends on the books really. I know a fair few people who enjoy reading but not always the same kind of thing as I like. That doesn't usually stop me from gushing about an awesome book to anyone who's too polite to interrupt me lol