It's Monday! What are you reading? is a weekly event to celebrate what we are reading for the week hosted at Book Journey. Post the books completed last week, the books you're currently reading, and the books to be read this week.Please comment or leave a link to let me know what you're reading this week!
Deadly Little Secret
Succubus Blues
Living Dead in Dallas
Supernatural: Rising Son
NYX: No Way Home
* Reviews to come
Currently reading
Clockwork Orange
Wee Free Men
Up next
Not sure yet as I have an Amazon delievery due and some on hold at the library so I shall decide when I have them. I probably won't be reading as much this week as it's back to work for me =o(
Other Stuff from this week
There's an awesome blog post from Scott Westerfeld about the Russian covers for the Midnighters Series (and book covers in general) which is well worth checking out.
I'm trying out the Amazon Associate thing so all product links will be going there. I'm doing this on a trial basis to see how it works. At the moment I like it because it's so much easier to find cover pictures and link to stuff plus any money gained can be put back into the blog by way of prizes!
I've also added Intense debate commenting which is great because I can reply to individual comments now and it doesn't get all messy! Yay!
I received the Honest Scrap Award from Manda! Thank You!
I'll be posting my 10 things about me and who I'm passing it onto later in the week when I've got a little more time. Right now I should be working so I best get on with that.
Have a fab reading week!