Tally Youngblood has been Ugly and Pretty - now she's Special. In fact, she's a special kind of Special, she's a Cutter. Cutters are the youngest Special Circumstances agents there are and they have privilege allowing them to take down the New Smoke by any means necessary. All Tally wants to do is the have Zane back with her again but to join the Cutters he has to prove himself and the best way to do this is too escape. Tally and Shay come up with a plan that will not only get Zane on their team but it will help them find the New Smoke. Using all of her new talents, Tally tracks Zane and his group but finds that the New Smoke isn't quite what she expected.
carries on the story from the previous two books with the exact same energy, great characters and awesome plot! Westerfeld has a way of descibing things that while not too fancy, makes you really able to imagine every little detail. By this, the third book of the series, the characters seem like old friends and make you really care what happens to them, although I have to admit Shay was starting to annoy me some what in her jealousy of Tally's feelings for Zane - however, this is pretty typical behaviour for a girl her age I'd imagine.
The book throws you straight into the action and doesn't stop until the end making it an exciting page turning read. Highly recommended but read the other two first.
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